Security Firm Malaysia

According to government statistics, break-ins and burglaries are the largest single category of crimes in Malaysia. Weak security and safety systems can cause irreparable harm to a residential property, with potentially damaging effects on asset value. Blue-I Corporation Sdn Bhd is a security firm Malaysia that provides residential properties with customized, cost-effective security risk management solutions and security guard services that combine advanced technology systems with excellent customer service to protect clients and their business. Furthermore, Blue-I delivers integrated security and safety solutions that address the specific demands of industries ranging from manufacturing to construction. Blue-I’s executive protection solutions adapt and respond to the wide-ranging safety threats posed by different industries and client backgrounds starting from high-threat protection to residential security.

              Blue-I as trusted security guard services provider Malaysia playa a critical role in ensuring the success of clients’ security strategy. We are licensed by Malaysia’s Ministry of Home Affairs (Kementerian Dalam Negeri) to provide highly-trained security guards who have military and law enforcement backgrounds that can quickly identify, deter and respond to hostile actors or threats. We ensure full compliance with industry standards and regulations throughout our hiring process that included strict anti-corruption measures and practices that protect the reputation of our clients.

              We also work as a fire safety management company by offering fire risk and safety solutions to prevent fire incidents. Along with onsite fire risk and safety management, we are able to develop Integrated Fire and Safety Management solutions include building evacuation planning, full building inspections, provide fire and evacuation drills and training, and help design a safe environment for your business continuity. We also provide fire safety experts and trained fire supervisors with extensive experience in life-threatening situations who can assist clients on assessing their building safety systems.

              Blue-I’s executive protection teams also offer event security services by comprising highly-trained security professionals and contractors with experience guarding VIPs, executives, celebrities, and diplomats in complex, high-risk environments. We design security plans to tackle event-specific risks and eliminate disruptive elements, maintain order and defuse situations. Furthermore, we also provide critical supporting services for your event to run successfully, such as:

  • Ushering services
  • Parking management
  • Bag and body searches
  • Traffic control
  • VIP client protection
  • Crowd management
  • Supervision of employees
  • K9 security services

As a risk management services company, Blue-I designs various type of solution in order to address clients’ unique vulnerabilities by leveraging on best practices, integrated technology, and our extensive experience helping multinationals and high-profile private clients to navigate complex security challenges. Services including:

  • Incident and crisis management (Build resilience, navigate and rapidly resolve complex security crises)
  • Security consulting and master planning
  • Threat assessment
  • Security surveys and audits

We aim to create a more secure world, helping safeguard our clients’ future and supporting their pursuit of success. Blue-I’s employees stand out for their responsibility, bravery and decisiveness in carrying out their duties. We do not back down from challenges or complex situations, especially those involving our clients.